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Friday, July 31, 2015

Five for Friday and a Giveaway!

1.We went to the Sea Life Aquarium here in Michigan. It got two thumbs up from my kids!

The stingrays were really cool. I especially liked the hands-on part where they could touch different things under water (shrimp etc.)

2. My summer tv watching has hit an all time low....I almost fell asleep watching the Bachelorette! THREE times! I haven't even watched "The Final Rose" yet...

3. Window art is one of my favorite things ever!
Remember my apples(Click Here)? 
Check these out!

4. Did you hear about the TPT sale August 3 and 4? Get your wishlists ready! Woo hoo!
I just finished making a Chalkboard Chevron set of my CCSS Center Posters.
Go Here!

5. I am giving away a copy of my Chalkboard Chevron CCSS Center Posters(or actually your choice of any of my CCSS Center Poster sets(Chevron, Polka Dot or my set for First Grade)!

Go Here for more Five for Friday!


Kidpeople Classroom said...

Hi Emily, Well first of all, I had to go to a post that goes out around the web to hear about an Aquarium right here in Michigan. Geesh. How did I miss that. Good to know. And your CCSS posters are on my wish list for the upcoming TPT sale. So glad you did them with white background and not just black as I can't use that much ink. And I joined your raffle in various ways- though I already follow you :) Good stuff on here today. See you around! Your fellow Michigander, Kathleen
Kidpeople Classroom

ithappenedin3rd said...

I love aquariums! That one sounds super cool. :)

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