Teachers Pay Teachers Teacher's Notebook Bloglovin Image Map

Saturday, October 19, 2013


It's Currently time! {Here's} the link for more fun at Farley's page!

Listening: General Hospital has been so good lately! 
Loving: We were trick or treating today... Love October!
Thinking: We need some pumpkins to help decorate the yard/porch.
Wanting: Salsa and Chips, but we don't have any salsa!
Needing: To wash windows. We had some new windows installed and they make the old ones look very dirty in comparison!
Trick or Treat: Coconut is my favorite! 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

One last apple freebie...

I forgot to add this to my apple post. I found the cutest free game on TPT by Amy Lattin...here's the link {HERE}.

Basically you hide Johnny Appleseed behind the letter (on the pocket chart) and the kids have to guess where he is. (You could also do this with letter sounds or sight words!) So... I made a poster of a song we sing with the game. (Because music makes everything more fun!) Here's the link to the poster {click here}.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Common Core: Developmentally Appropriate?

A recent article that questions whether the Common Core is Developmentally Appropriate.  If you scroll down, there is a short video that shows the full presentation.{Click Here}.
What do you think?

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